iron fist
- (政策或方法)铁拳的,残酷无情的,强硬的

Throughout the Arab world , the model is one where a despot rules with an iron fist .
He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years .
Technology is empowering civil society in ways that no iron fist can control
Our old former teacher used to rule the class with an iron fist .
You wouldn 't rule with an iron fist .
It transformed like an iron fist .
Ministers promised what they called an " iron fist " to restore order .
He went on to rule with an iron fist until his death in1993 .
Burma 's military has ruled the country with an iron fist for decades .
He controlled the finances with an iron fist .
Goff calls this the iron fist , velvet glove approach .
He ruled this august of orchestra with a brilliant eat and an iron fist
For four decades , the Qaddafi regime ruled the Libyan people with an iron fist .
But they chose the dignity of peaceful protest over the rule of an iron fist .
The boss always appears kind and sympathetic but in fact rules with an iron fist in a velvet glove .
Her father would rule South Korea with iron fist in the next 18 years , overseeing huge economic growth as well as human rights abuses .
They took to the street in January 2011 to remove a Mubarak regime that had ruled with an iron fist for 30 years .
The blind man clung close to me , holding me in one iron fist , and leaning almost more of his weight on me than I could carry .
The school is managed with an iron fist by the cruel director Rachin , who severely punishes the boys for any wrongdoing .
shows Daredevil , Jessica Jones , Luke Cage , Iron Fist , The Punisher , and The Defenders .
Their war-mongering kings of the Mermnads'Dynasty hold sway with an iron fist over the lands between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea .
His lightning punches , in a style the ancients called Iron Fist , generate their own , thunk ! kung fu-movie sound effects .
They said China ran the meeting with an iron fist , adding that it was Mr Wu 's decision to impose the Monday deadline to inject the stagnating talks with some momentum .
For 30 years , Josef Stalin ruled the Soviet Union with an iron fist , killing as many as 20 million people through executions , exile and man-made famines .
Pulling the strings behind the scene is Fergie ( Pete Postlethwaite ) as a money-laundering florist who sets up jobs and rules with an iron fist .
Mr. Yushchenko says the task of the presidential mission is to show that Georgia is not alone , that in this age the power of reason should not be replaced by the iron fist .
He came of age during the Depression and his own father , who struggled to feed his children , showed little affection towards his family and raised my father and his siblings with an iron fist .
And sure , our military can also take over most of the world , if they are willing to rule with an absultue iron fist , and kill anybody that even makes a single peep against how things stand .
Muammar Gaddafi , who ruled Libya with an iron fist for42 years , has been killed as rebel troops overran the last pockets of loyalist resistance in his home-town Sirte .
Inspired by the revolutions that ousted the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt in the past month , Libyans have risen up against Mr Gaddafi , who has ruled them with an iron fist for more than four decades .